
Chipped Tooth? Why You Need to See a Dentist for Help Soon

You bite down on something hard and feel a “pop!” You look in the mirror and notice a piece of your tooth is missing! Chipping a tooth can happen from eating or biting hard objects like pens and bottle caps. It's important to see a dentist immediately if you chip a tooth, as it can be serious.

Why is chipped tooth repair so important, and what is the cost to fix a chipped tooth? These are some of the questions we get from patients worried about how to fix a chipped tooth. Facial32 Dental Esthetics can fix your chipped tooth in Hanover, PA, to look as good as new! 

Is it really important to fix a chipped or cracked tooth? The answer is yes, and the reasons may surprise you!

What Does a Chipped Tooth Look Like?

Your tooth is made up of three main layers — enamel, dentin, and pulp. The enamel is the strong, hard outer shell that protects the tooth’s interior. The dentin is a softer layer that protects the pulp, the living tissue within the tooth. Damage to the pulp could result in infection or tooth loss.

A chipped tooth is when part of the enamel breaks away completely. This differs from a cracked tooth, when a crack forms in the enamel. 

What does a chipped tooth look like? It usually looks like a small piece of the tooth is missing. Often, a chipped tooth leaves a jagged edge that can be painful if it rubs against the lips, cheek, or tongue.

What Causes a Chipped Tooth?

Your teeth are designed to handle the daily grind of chewing, but certain habits and foods can put them at risk. Even strong teeth can chip or crack under the wrong circumstances, especially if your enamel is weakened. Understanding what can cause a chipped tooth is the first step in preventing it. Here are some common culprits to watch out for:

  • Teeth are strong but not invincible: Hard foods like jawbreakers, other hard candies, ice, or gnawing on bones (e.g., ribs) can chip your teeth, especially if your enamel is weakened by wear or poor care.
  • Using teeth for non-food tasks: Opening bottles or packages with your teeth can easily lead to a chipped tooth.
  • Chewing on non-food items: Habits like chewing on pens, pencils, or other objects can also cause chips and damage to your teeth.

What Happens When You Have a Chipped Tooth? 

You could injure the tooth’s interior if the chip is deep enough. This could lead to infection or tooth loss. The open enamel exposes the tooth’s interior to the bacteria in your mouth. 

This bacteria could make their way to the pulp, or living tissue of the tooth. They could damage the pulp and cause an infection. That infection could destroy the pulp or even get into the bloodstream, making you ill. It could also kill the pulp of the tooth. That could lead to tooth loss. 

Whether it’s a chipped front tooth or a chipped molar tooth, you need to see a dentist as soon as possible. 

How Do You Fix a Chipped Tooth?

Facial32 Dental Esthetics can fix a chipped tooth and make it look like new. One way we can do this is with cosmetic bonding. The dental bonding process uses a special resin to reshape your tooth and restore its natural shape. 

The resin we use in our cosmetic dentistry can be colored to match the natural color of your tooth, leaving a seamless look. The process usually takes about 45-60 minutes per tooth and is painless!

If the chip is too large, we can restore the tooth with a dental crown. A crown, also called a dental cap, is a shell that is slipped over the tooth to restore the surface and make your smile look complete again. 

A chipped front tooth repair can be made with dental veneers. The veneers are shells that fit on the front of the teeth and give your smile a beautiful makeover. Veneers are a great option if you have several flaws in your teeth.

Which option is best for you? You can schedule a consultation at Facial32 Dental Esthetics to find out! We can also provide an estimated chipped tooth repair cost.  

How Long Can You Go With a Chipped Tooth?

Some chips in teeth only take out a corner of the tooth or a tiny bit of the enamel. If a small chip doesn’t penetrate the tooth to the dentin, you may be able to live with the chip indefinitely. 

What happens if the chip or break damages the dentin or pulp? You will likely feel pain in the tooth, as the blood vessels and nerves are affected. You should see a dentist within a few days of cracking your tooth. 

You shouldn’t wait longer than two weeks to see a dentist. After that, you run the risk of the tooth becoming infected or the nerves dying. Both of these could lead to tooth loss, tooth extraction, or a root canal.

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How Do You Prevent a Chipped Tooth?

There are several ways you can prevent chipped teeth from happening. Here are a few tips:

  • Brush with a fluoride toothpaste to keep your enamel strong
  • Eat a healthy diet, including plenty of calcium, vitamins, and minerals to strengthen teeth
  • Do not bite hard foods such as hard candies or ice
  • Do not bite inanimate objects
  • Do not try to open things with your teeth
  • Use a mouthguard if you have bruxism
  • Use a mouthguard if you play sports to prevent chipping by injury
  • Brush and floss regularly to keep good oral health

Restorative Dentistry in Hanover, PA

You don’t have to live with the look of a chipped tooth. Facial32 Dental Esthetics can restore your chipped tooth and repair cracks, stains, and other dental problems using several treatment options. Schedule an appointment for dental repairs in Hanover, PA. We’d love to show you how beautiful your smile can be!

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